Encounter the Love and Mercy of Jesus Christ

There are certain stories that define us as families and nations. For Catholics, we are defined and shaped by the story we celebrate at each Mass. It is this story, Christ’s story, which defines and shapes us, our actions, our words, how we live and how we breathe. Our story emerges from a supper table, a Cross on Calvary’s Hill, and an empty tomb. Without this story we would not know who we are, or where we are going, and what life truly means.

The Mass is where we encounter the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.  This is why the Mass is so essential for Catholics.  It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been away. You are always invited to the Mass to encounter Jesus, who welcomes you with open arms.

“By the grace of God, may all of us gather together at the table of the Lord, united in faith and charity.  May God bless you!” – Bishop Gregory Parkes“Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God.”

The podcasts below share the beauty of the Catholic Mass!

A Video Invitation for the Mass

About the Mass

The Highest Form of Prayer

Becoming Catholic

God Loves You

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